Products we have developed.
HECP Software: Hazardous Energy Control Procedure Software. Version 3.0
OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.147, which establishes safety requirements for the control of hazardous energy sources, using Lockout and Tagout procedures, to disable machinery or equipment during maintenance and/or servicing. Its purpose is to prevent injury to employees caused by the unexpected release of stored energy in any form.
Software Description:
The Software provides a faster and a much more effective way of administrating and managing all of the HECP’s for each equipment. All the information pertaining to each individual HECP’s is securely stored in a database. The Creation Date/Created By, Revision Date/Revised By , and Audit Date/Audited By fields of each HECP are maintained by the software automatically. You will be able to look up all the HECP's that have been audited/revised or need to be audit/revised using an advanced multi search query criteria builder module
To give you a brief overview of the HECP (LOTO) software, it has been designed to automate the process of creating and managing HECP documentation for each piece of equipment and its sub-equipment including all the documentation pertaining to Startups and Shutdowns that is securely saved in the database. There is a multi-dimensional search and filtering capability built into the software for faster access/retrieval of each document. There is no data entry required by users, which prevents them from entering bad data into the database. You should be able to create an HECP within 7 minutes granted that all information pertaining to the equipment is available. Users will be able to generate the LOTO report instantly. We can also customize the software to meet your specific business needs and requirements if needed.
The software also comes with a rich set of reporting capability to help identify and maintain all of the created HECP within the database.
The goal of the HECP software is to not only to help your organization comply with OSHA regulations but to facilitate the administration/Creation of HECP’s with no data entry.
In addition to the many powerful functionalities, the software was designed in a way that provides users with an intuitive and very user friendly interface. Hence very basic training will be required.
Management and Safety coordinators at each division will be able to automate the administration of their HECP procedures as part of the OSHA Requirement. And most importantly provide a safe environment for their employees. As an example, when employees perform equipment shut-down or start-up, all instructions pertaining to that specific HECP will be followed, monitored and most importantly conducted properly and accordingly. The software generates all the steps necessary to perform the Lockout/Tagout procedures through the Check List Report. The report will also display the diagram (Visual Representation of each Machine/Equipment) for each HECP.
Project Components:
Database: Both versions of Access and SQL Server Database are available to be used with the software to store the data.
All existing spreadsheet/database programs pertaining to company's current Safety Procedures including Equipment, Valves, and User, and so forth will be converted and Exported to either Access or SQL Server Database, which ever option is more suitable. All of the data will be trimmed, organized, grouped and imported into the database successfully.
There is a program demo available upon request. (Click to view Screenshots.)
Note: each company has its own naming convention. The software was design to allow customers to customize it to meet their specific business requirements and needs.
Additional Information: Close Calls and Hazardous Audit Check List Software
There are two other sub components to the HECP Software.
1) Close Calls Software, which can be used as a proactive approach to preventing injuries. It captures and calculates the critical errors and state of minds, among other important safety criteria measures. Some of the statistical reports including charts the software generates are Close Calls by Types, by State of Mind, by Employee, by Area, and by Errors. (Click to view Screenshots.)
2)The Hazardous Audit Check List Software can be used by both Manages and Employees to perform Audit Inspections within each plant.
Roll Tracking System Version 2.0:
Respective to the Paper Industry we have developed a sophisticated Roll Tracking System .Not only will this program track the historical data of your rolls, it will substantiate and quantify both Roll Cover and Roll Mechanical Performance. (more info)
Help Desk System:
Our HelpDesk System is a high-end and configurable solution for optimizing every aspect of your IT service support and internal help desk processes. (more info)
Document Management Software:
We provide you with the most efficient systems to manage, organize, and secure all of your documents. (more info)